Drury Road Westbourne, Bournemouth

Posted on 20/07/2016 By

Drury Road, Westbourne.

Drury Road Westbourne, Bournemouth.

Continuing the loop started by Warren Road, is Drury Road Westbourne. Numbers start at the Alumhurst Road end and this time there is a pair of semi-detached houses on the “inside” of the loop.

Drury Road, Westbourne.

Nos 1 & 1a (Saratoga) and, on the right, No 3 (Sunnyside). © expat

Although linked with its neighbour, this has quite a different character. The large house on the corner, number 2, is now a 7 bedroom family-run hotel with coffee lounge/tea room called The Living Room. Previously, this was the Thanet Private Hotel.Continuing down, numbers 4 and 6 (St Govan’s) are another pair of semi-detached houses, the frontages of which are of a very similar design to the villas in Warren Road. Number 8 is a much bigger building, known as “The Spinney” (previously Heath View) – no doubt advertising its status as a much more desirable residence overlooking the Chine. It is now sub-divided into flats.

On the other side of the road, number 1 (Saratoga), the left-hand of a pair of semis, is subdivided. No 3 (Sunnyside), on the right, is not particularly visible from the road, but does appear to have been extended at some time.

Drury Road, Westbourne.

No 2, “The Living Room”, previously the Thanet Private Hotel). © expat

Drury Road, Westbourne.

No 4. © expat

Drury Road, Westbourne.

No 6, St Govan’s. © expat

Drury Road, Westbourne.

No 8 The Spinney (previously Heath View) © expat

Drury Road, Westbourne.

Drury Road, Westbourne

Further reference:
Alwyn Ladell’s Flick Page

Drury Road    

  1. pat peters says:

    Great pictures. These houses have such character. Pat

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