Denewood Road, Westbourne, Bournemouth

Posted on 16/07/2016 By

Denewood Road, Westbourne

Denewood Road, Westbourne, Bournemouth.

Denewood Road is named after the large house on Alum Chine Road. The implication would be that this has been built in the grounds of the property ‘Denewood’.

Denewood Road, Westbourne

No 1, Greengates. © expat

The houses here, and there are nine of them packed into (for this area of Westbourne) a fairly small space. The design is quite compact, with number 6 tucked round the side of number 8, accessed through a short driveway.However, the houses are still large, and many have been converted into flats. Having said that, the street view will not be too dissimilar from when the road was first built.

Handy access to Westbourne shops, Bournemouth town centre and the beach (via Alum Chine) will naturally make this a desirable area. There is also the handy and frequent bus services stopping close by.

The name Denewood comes from the concatenation of Dene Wood. Dene, of course, was covered in the “What is a Chine” blog entry (see here).

Denewood Road, Westbourne

No 2 and 2A (nearest) © expat

Denewood Road, Westbourne

No 3. © expat

Denewood Road, Westbourne

No 4. © expat

Denewood Road, Westbourne

No 5. © expat

Denewood Road, Westbourne

No 6. © expat

Denewood Road, Westbourne

No 7. © expat

Denewood Road, Westbourne

No 8. © expat

Denewood Road, Westbourne

No 9, Glencrest. © expat

Denewood Road, Westbourne

Denewood Road, Westbourne. © expat

Further reference:
Alwyn Ladell’s Flickr Album

Denewood Road    

  1. Alwyn Ladell says:

    The cul-de-sac was originally the carriage turning space for “Denewood”. It was hit by one of the land mines dropped when Skerryvore was hit and so the houses near the entrance date from 1948.

    • expat says:

      Thank you. Very interesting. Would there have been stables around there originally, then?

      • Alwyn Ladell says:

        The stables became Sparken Cottages, now called Coach House Mews, in West Cliff Road. There are also some garden walls and a white brick garden toolshed surviving but the gardener’s cottage and dower house have gone.

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